Test Description:
One definition of assertiveness is the need to stand up for one’s own rights and aspirations in today’s sometimes intimidating world.

Assertiveness is a subject that is taught and improved by many general training programmes, particularly for people who come into contact with others in their profession, such as careers, as apart from providing self-esteem it is also a valuable communication skill.

When you act assertively you communicate better and command more respect. This can improve your working, social and personal relationships.

Assertive behavior should not be confused with aggressive behavior. Aggressive people display a lack of respect for the personal boundaries and opinions of others and are as a result liable to have a negative effect on others while trying to influence them. Assertive people communicate by not being afraid to speak their mind, nor are they afraid of trying to influence others, but they do so in a way that respects their right to an opinion.

It is necessary for all of us to possess basic assertiveness skills in order to see us through the day, in order to maintain our self- esteem and to provide a shield by which to protect ourselves.

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Please be aware that personality assessment is a self-assessment method so the accuracy depends on the honesty/sincerity of choosing statement/option/answer. Moreover all personality assessment result have been determined through research/sampling basis. Sometimes assessment result may be varied with your actual style.

Test Instruction:
In the following test, answer each question or statement by choosing which one of the three alternative responses given is most applicable to you.


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