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Assess the Level of your Self-Confidence

Test Description:
Three definitions of confidence are:
assuredness and self-reliance in one’s own abilities;
belief in another person’s trustworthiness or competency;
an agreement that information is not to be divulged, as in the phrase in confidence.
It is the first of these three definitions, self-confidence, that is being assessed in this test.
People with a high degree of self-confidence are, by definition, likely to be assured and self-reliant in their own abilities. Such people, although needing to be wary of over-confidence, will very rarely feel unsure of themselves or be preoccupied with negative self-thoughts. Nor are they likely to put themselves down.

Please be aware that personality assessment is a self-assessment method so the accuracy depends on the honesty/sincerity of choosing statement/option/answer. Moreover all personality assessment result have been determined through research/sampling basis. Sometimes assessment result may be varied with your actual style.

Test Instruction:
In each of the following choose from a scale of 1–5 which of these statements you most agree with or is most applicable to you. Choose just one of the numbers 1–5 in each of the 25 statements. Choose 5 for most agree/most applicable, down to 1 for least agree/least applicable


Please answer honestly which statement is matching with you at present

Time is over. Thanks for your participation

Assess the Level of your Self-Confidence

Test Instruction:
In each of the following choose from a scale of 1–5 which of these statements you most agree with or is most applicable to you. Choose just one of the numbers 1–5 in each of the 25 statements. Choose 5 for most agree/most applicable, down to 1 for least agree/least applicable

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1 / 25

I am never backward at coming forward.

2 / 25

I do not feel the need to conform in order to be accepted.

3 / 25

I would like to take part in a television quiz show.

4 / 25

I am not nervous at the thought of meeting someone very famous or influential.

5 / 25

When I take part in a game or sport I always play to win.

6 / 25

I am never afraid of telling someone when I disagree with them, whoever they are.

7 / 25

I am able to bounce back quickly after adversity.

8 / 25

I believe in the power of positive thinking.

9 / 25

I am a great believer in the old adage If you want a job doing well – do it yourself.

10 / 25

I am able to sell myself convincingly.

11 / 25

I am not afraid of backing the underdog in an argument.

12 / 25

I rarely, if ever, worry about the way I look.

13 / 25

I enjoy circulating and meeting new people at social gatherings.

14 / 25

If I was to be headhunted and offered a new job with an increased salary I would probably take the new job, even though I felt secure and comfortable in my existing job.

15 / 25

It is helpful to set myself goals to achieve in life as long as they are not so high as to be unrealistic.

16 / 25

I relish a good debate.

17 / 25

I have a very positive outlook on life.

18 / 25

I have much more confidence in the decisions I make myself, rather than in the decisions made by others.

19 / 25

Taking calculated risks gives me a buzz.

20 / 25

I usually feel excited and enthusiastic when tackling new projects.

21 / 25

I feel good about myself.

22 / 25

I never put myself down.

23 / 25

I very rarely feel sad or depressed.

24 / 25

I would not be nervous about making a speech in front of hundreds of people.

25 / 25

I would relish the thought of relocating to another part of the country.